Tea Tree Essential Oil

Is one of the best known and loved essential oils in the world. For decades, nearly every home medicine cabinet in Australia has held a bottle of tea tree oil and it is affectionately known there as “first aid in a bottle”



Botanical Name:        Melaleuca alternifolia

Country of Origin:          Australia

Extraction Method:        Steam Distilled

Plant Part:                  Leaves

Strength of Aroma:    Medium


Blends Well With:      

Bergamot, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Pink Grapefruit, Juniper Berry, Lavender, Lemon, Sweet Marjoram, Nutmeg, Pine, Rose absolute, Rosemary, Spruce.


Aromatic Scent:

A fresh, medicinal, green wood scent. 


Categories:  Immunity,  Antiseptic, Antifungal, Antiviral,  Skin & hair,  Cleaning, 



Tea Tree oil is wonderful added to a house cleaning spray, especially in steamy, musty areas like the bathroom or a sickroom.

During times of seasonal illness, Tea Tree oil in the diffuser can help clean the air in the home and is a wonderful immune system support.

Tea Tree oil is also useful in clearing teenage skin blemishes.

Add tea tree to a spray bottle of white vinegar or distilled water to combat mustiness in a warm, steamy bathroom. Dilute tea tree in witch hazel and dab with a Q-tip directly on teenage blemishes.

Diffusing tea tree during times of seasonal illness can promote healthier air quality in the home.


Cautions:  To avoid possible adverse skin reactions, we recommend a maximum dilution of 15% for topical applications.

Ingestion: The International Federation of Aromatherapists does not recommend that Essential Oils be taken internally unless under the supervision of a Medical Doctor who is also qualified in clinical Aromatherapy. 

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